Binatural is part of the National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB), which aims not only to stimulate the production of biofuel, but also to promote support for family farming in its production chain. That's why we have the Social Fuel Seal, which identifies companies that are active and recognized by the program.
Whoever has the seal is the enabler of projects for the social inclusion of family farmers classified under Pronaf. The biodiesel producer must previously enter into contracts with all family farmers or their agricultural cooperatives.
In order to grant, maintain and use the Social Fuel Seal, certain rules must be followed. In practice, this means:
Acquire a minimum percentage of raw material from family farmers in the year of biodiesel production (10% until the 2009/2010 harvest, 15% from the 2010/2011 harvest onwards for purchases from the North and Midwest regions; and 30% for acquisitions from the South, Southeast, Northeast and Semi-Arid regions, from the date of publication of the instruction).
Previously enter into contracts for the purchase and sale of raw materials with family farmers or their cooperatives, with the consent of an entity representing family farming in that municipality and/or state. Ensure training and technical assistance to these contracted family farmers.


Binatural is a company specialized in biofuel and chose this product, also, due to the desire to act with environmental responsibility.
Since 2006, we have been committed to creating a renewable, clean and prosperous product, positively impacting the lives of man and nature.
Biodiesel is clean and renewable energy that drives the economy, family farming and other raw material supply markets.
The production process used by Binatural is completely closed and relies on recycling and full reuse of the water used, being exempt from the generation of industrial effluents.
Thus, we can say that our energy is dedicated and active also for the preservation of the environment.