in Brazil
Biodiesel arrived in Brazil in 2005, after the creation of the National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB), which established goals for the product's entry into the national energy matrix.
At that time, biodiesel represented only 2% of the composition of diesel. Over the years, with the recognition of the importance of biodiesel, this share has increased and, in 2021, represents 10% of the fuel sold in the country. A number that can and should be increased in the coming years.

On this journey, our commitment to quality has made us experts in what we do and everything has expanded even further.
did we
get here?
One year after the product entered Brazil, we created the first Binatural factory. In 2006, our company became the pioneer in the production of biodiesel in the state of Goiás.
Binatural's innovative actions were solidified through investment in new technologies, creation of processes, specialization of the workforce, agility and credibility in our relationships. Therefore, our product has certified quality and the company registers a consistent growth, which follows the evolution of the sector.
In addition, one of Binatural's pillars is socio-environmental responsibility. We put this into practice through environmental protection and social sustainability actions, such as participation in the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Agriculture (PRONAF) in several Brazilian states.
As an expressive result of the bold spirit, positive energy and transparency in relationships, Binatural achieves in 2021 the recognition of the Financial Times as one of the 500 companies that most contributed to economic and social development in the country.